Sexual Harassment in Schools Workshop

What's the purpose?
In response to increasing incidents of sexual harassment and assault in high schools, the GENup Women and Marginalized Genders Caucus is developing a week-long “Sexual Harassment in Schools Workshop” comprising of videos, online resources, live sessions, and other materials in high school districts across California. The targeted audience of this workshop is high school students, but may be extended to students on college campuses.
How does the workshop work?
The workshop intends to educate students and faculty on what sexual harassment is and how it can be prevented in the student body by elucidating on its various components in order to spur discussions about the roles schools play and should play in its prevention. These areas include disciplinary action against sexual misconduct, expanding schools’ application of sexual harassment laws such as Title IX and BP 5131.2, active counseling for teachers on how to handle sexual harassment reports, resources available for students and staff regarding sexual harassment, and steps taken to actively work against rape culture. In addition to in the in class workshop a petition for support in changing the current sexual harassment policies in California has been created and will be used for future action on the subject.
What is the caucus?
The GENup Women and Marginalized Genders Caucus is a group of youth dedicated to bringing awareness to issues affecting women and people of marginalized genders. Our goal is to take action against the issues women and people of marginalized genders experience in their day-to-day lives with a focus on education and policy reform.
Meet the Board Members!

Natanya Kharat

Director of Policy and Campaigns:
Amelie L’Etoile-Goga

Vice Chair:
Esha Bagora

Director of Content:
Kiran Manghnani

Social Media Chair:
Elaheh Khazi
Watch the GENup Survivor Panel Here! (Sunday, 10/9/2022)
Learn more about the survivors here!
Aarefah Mosavi
Sign her petition:
Alejandra Valenzuela
Brianna Redman
Credentialed Advocate Founder and President, Voices Beyond Assult
Lorward Choi
Socials (Instagram): @lorward4, @voicesbeyondassault